
Showing posts from January, 2014

some ahkaam from surah Muddassir

And your Lord glorify. And your clothing purify. And uncleanliness avoid. And do not confer favor to acquire more. But for your Lord be patient. [Surah Mudassir: 3-7] and people in Heaven will ask inhabitants of Hell how did you end up here? they will reply: They will say, "We were not of those who prayed, Nor did we used to feed the poor. And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who engaged [in it], And we used to deny the Day of Recompense. Until there came to us the certainty." [surah Mudassir : 43-47]

Deeds after death

Only thing that remains after our death are deeds that we have done. Rewards for which is with Allah. So, recite you of the Quran as much as may be easy for you. He knows that there will be some among you sick, others travelling through the land, seeking of Allah's Bounty; yet others fighting in Allah's Cause. So recite as much of the Quran as may be easy (for you), and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, and whatever good you send before you for yourselves, you will certainly find it with Allah, better and greater in reward. And seek Forgiveness of Allah. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.[ Surah Al-Muzammil: 20 ]


And the places of worship are only for Allah, so pray not unto anyone along with Allah. [Surah Al-Jinn: 18]

Allah's Grandeur

How can we know about the Grandeur of Allah? By looking at his creations: What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah [due] grandeur. While He has created you in stages? Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in layers. And made the moon therein a [reflected] light and made the sun a burning lamp ? And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth. Then He will return you into it and extract you [another] extraction. And Allah has made for you the earth an expanse, That you may follow therein roads of passage. [Surah Nuh [ 13-20 ]] I am also stuck by how moon is mentioned as "noor" or reflected ligh but sun is referred to as a burning lamp. scientifically accurate.

who will dwell in Gardens, honoured

According to Surah Al-Ma'arij people with following qualities "will dwell in Gardens, honoured."[ verse 35] Lo! man was created anxious, Fretful when evil befalleth him. And, when good befalleth him, grudging; Save worshippers. Who are constant at their worship. And in whose wealth there is a right acknowledged. For the beggar and the destitute; And those who believe in the Day of Judgment, And those who are fearful of their Lord's doom - Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure - And those who preserve their chastity. Save with their wives and those whom their right hands possess, for thus they are not blameworthy; But whoso seeketh more than that, those are they who are transgressors; And those who keep their pledges and their covenant, And those who stand by their testimony. And those who are attentive at their worship. These will dwell in Gardens, honoured. [ verse 19 - 35 ]