Flagging TimesNow

When there is no news what is a 24/7 news channel got to do? Of course, they are going to make up the news.

Watch the following video first:

Horror! Horror! A Pakistani flag unfurled in Assam. This was a big news around October 2008. Look carefully and you see that crescent in Pakistani flag is upside down. Another thing you will notice that news channel Times Now is repeating the same visuals over and over again. There is some sword like thing that is in the picture but it is not clear what is it and who is holding it.

The TV Channel offers no information on how they got these “exclusive visuals.” Was it shot by their journalists, who alerted them that this flag is there go and shoot the pictures? If it was not their own camera person then who provided them these visuals, who are these people? How they come across this flag and what are their motive in giving this visual?

Times Now failed to reveal the source but thanks to YouTube now you can see the raw footage without Times Now editing and commentary:

Notice that sword like thing is actually a bow and arrow, a weapon of choice in Assam.

I had to consult an Assam resident for this- the people in video are speaking in Bodo language. They are saying- hold the flag, spread it with the bow so that the flag can be photographed.

Also, in this video you can notice that this seems to be an open area, no village around it except a structure visible at a distance. So we established that video was shot by the Bodos, as far as we can see it there are no Muslims or their houses around, if the Muslim village is behind the camera person then he should have shot that as well to make it more incriminating. Given that Bodo miltants are doing their best to drive Muslims out of their villages their action should be highly suspect and a news organization if given a piece of information from one party, should check and verify it before airing it.

But in this case, there is ample evidence that this flag is a fake, probably set up by the Bodos themselves. Given that Times Now edited the footage tells us that they knew that this video is problematic and therefore they cut it short showing only the flag not the people and removing the audio.

Please contact Times Now and complain:

Mr. M.Vasudev Rao
Authorised officer - Legal Department
Times Global Broadcasting Company Ltd.
Trade House, Kamala Mills compound,
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400 013
Phone: (+9122) 24999944
Fax : (+9122) 29440307
Email: legalnow@timesgroup.com


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