MG: Hamdard's Safi girl

Milli Gazette: 16-30 Nov 2009 is a website launched by Hamdard to promote their product Safi. Safi is a very old unani product that supposed to cleanse blood and give girls a better skin. Safi sells well and I have seen it in many Muslim households. The new print ad for Safi shows a girl in skirt and sleeveless top with a bag around her shoulder ready for school. Looks like Safi wants an image makeover but interestingly enough this girl doesn't appear on the bottle itself.

As a part of this image makeover was launched. The website offers dating tips to girls. MG rightfully asked whether Hamdard, which is a waqf should be spending money to offer dating tips to girls?

watch this ad to know what Hamdard's Safi Girl will be doing in the world:


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