Radiance: A plural world

Radiance: 1-7 Nov 2009

A number of good articles in this issue of Radiance Viewsweekly. Article by Syed Sultan Mohiddin lists the personal struggle of Jaffer Baig of AP who is trying to get the waqf property out of the control of the encroacher. He started his struggle in 1967 and court has adjourned the case as much as 157th time.

Another interesting article is by Dr. Abdussalam Vaniyambalam which is actually a report of the inter-faith dialogue called by the Saudi King. In it, the author mentions some verses which shows that Islam accepts a plural world.

"And if your Lord had so willed he could surely have made mankind one Ummah." [Hud: 118]

"So will you compel mankind until they become believers?" [Yunus: 99]

"Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve." [Al-Kahf: 29]

Now, who is going to remind all those extremist daees that chill out, give the message but don't push.


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