Letter to the editor, The Hindu

This is regarding The Hindu's report, "Now, fatwa against insurance" by Atiq Khan

Dear editor,

It seems that when it comes to Muslim issues, all journalism ethics and principles can be safely ignored.

Even before the controversy over the fatwa (opinion) related to Muslim women working in close proximity to men in offices has died down, the prestigious Sunni Muslim seminary, Darul Uloom, Deoband in Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh has reportedly come out with a fatwa, which has decreed that in the light of the “Shariat,” opting for an insurance policy is against the tenets of Islam. The fatwa was issued by the Darul Ifta department of Darul Uloom in response to a query.

The seminary has reportedly declared that since the calculation of the money pledged in the policy is based on “interest,” it was un-Islamic to opt for one.

"Even before the controversy... has died down"- the controversy that was created by media and that continues to live in media circles and fuel to this fire is added by media ppl themselves by raiding DuD's darul ifta's website for more "gems."

The writer of this report used the word "reportedly" twice, which means that this entire news report is based on some other report. Then where is that report? If they are sure that fatwa was issued by Darul Uloom then where is the original text so that we can have a look ourselves. Does the use of the term "reportedly" means that The Hindu has not verified the claims they are making in this news report?

When was this fatwa issued and what exactly is the "news value" in this fatwa? Is it a new opinion by DuD contradicting their previous position? Is it a position that was not well-known within the Muslim community? Please provide me some of the reasons why you think this fatwa needed valuable column space in your newspaper?


Letter sent May 17th, 2010. 


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