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On March 29, 2002 a Palestinian girl Ayat Al-Akhras killed two Israelis. Victim of the suicide bombing by this 18 year old included a 17 year old Israeli girl Rachel Levi. They lived barely miles apart but in a totally different world, they represent two sides of a conflict that has consumed a large part of the world for more than 60 years. The world that they lived in were very different from each other and they could meet each other only in their death. Photographs of the two girls shocked the world because they looked so much like each other.


Documentary "To Die in Jerusalem" sets up a meeting between the two mothers and though both agree that they both are victims there is nothing else they agree with. There is no agreement on the cause of the violence and also what can be done to bring peace. As the world continue to spiral out of control led by politics, religion, capitalism, and above all greed and hate, do we have a failure to communicate or failure to empathize?







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