who will dwell in Gardens, honoured

According to Surah Al-Ma'arij people with following qualities "will dwell in Gardens, honoured."[ verse 35]
Lo! man was created anxious, Fretful when evil befalleth him. And, when good befalleth him, grudging; Save worshippers. Who are constant at their worship. And in whose wealth there is a right acknowledged. For the beggar and the destitute; And those who believe in the Day of Judgment, And those who are fearful of their Lord's doom - Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure - And those who preserve their chastity. Save with their wives and those whom their right hands possess, for thus they are not blameworthy; But whoso seeketh more than that, those are they who are transgressors; And those who keep their pledges and their covenant, And those who stand by their testimony. And those who are attentive at their worship. These will dwell in Gardens, honoured.
[ verse 19 - 35]


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